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Curriculum and Education (5)

The philosophy of our school is grounded in Steiner education principles, which view education as an art. It aims to develop free, morally responsible, and integrated individuals equipped with a high degree of social competence. The education is deeply rooted in understanding and respecting the unique unfolding of each child's development and potential, providing them with what they need at the right time.

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Teachers in Steiner schools play a crucial role in creating a rhythmical and predictable safe environment, which is often found to be particularly beneficial for children with ADHD.

Answer: Steiner education, also known as Waldorf education, offers a distinctive approach to learning that nurtures the whole child—head, heart, and hands. Some unique features include a strong emphasis on creativity, art, and imagination; a curriculum aligned with developmental stages; a focus on cultivating a love for learning; and the integration of academic and practical skills. The learning environment is designed to be warm and homely, providing a secure space for children to thrive.

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Our curriculum is based on the Steiner education model, which focuses on the holistic development of the child. It is designed to align with the developmental stages of children and integrates academic, artistic, and practical activities to foster intellectual, emotional, and physical growth. The curriculum is not only subject-based but also incorporates experiential learning, encouraging students to engage with and understand the world around them.

For more details, please refer to this link

Our teachers are highly qualified and experienced in Steiner education. They hold certifications and degrees in education, with specialized training in the Steiner/Waldorf approach. Beyond their formal qualifications, our teachers are dedicated and committed to fostering a love for learning and supporting the holistic development of each child in their care. They engage in continuous professional development to stay updated on the latest educational practices and methodologies in Steiner education.

For more details, please refer to this link