Here are answers to freqHere are answers to frequently asked questions.

Admission Process (3)

Category: Admission Process

Yes, students can transfer to our school in the middle of the school year, subject to availability of space in the relevant grade. We understand that families may move or decide to change schools for various reasons, and we try to accommodate these transitions as smoothly as possible.

Category: Admission Process

Absolutely! We encourage interested families to visit our school to better understand our environment and approach to education. We also offer a trial enrollment period where prospective students can experience our school firsthand. This allows both the family and the school to assess if it’s a good match. Please contact our admissions office to schedule a visit or to inquire about the trial enrollment process.

Category: Admission Process

No, our school does not require students to take an entrance exam for admission. Admission is based on a comprehensive review of each applicant's school records and a personal interview to ensure a good fit between the student and our educational approach.