I heard that you are not allowed to talk to the media, but what exactly does that mean?

Category: Media Policy

PPSK's Educational Philosophy

PPSK is dedicated to nurturing the creativity and independent thinking of its students. However, excessive exposure to media has the potential to compromise students' genuine experiences and the healthy development of their emotions.

The Role of Media in Education

By first accumulating rich experiences, students can then make more meaningful use of electronic media. Media serves not as a substitute for real-life experiences but as a tool to complement them.

Objective of PPSK's Media Policy

PPSK's media policy is crafted to achieve the objectives of Steiner education and to facilitate its practice at home. By reducing the influence of media, parents have enhanced family communication and their connection to the outside world. The school expects all parents to understand the significance of this policy and to support it.

Community's Role in Upholding the Policy

All members of the PPSK community rely on the support of parents to establish an environment at home that reinforces Steiner education. Adhering to the media policy positively impacts students' learning and social interactions at school. Conversely, not following the policy can have negative effects on children and their classmates. As the influence of media permeates the entire community, it's crucial for all families to abide by the policy. The school reserves the right to restrict media usage if it hinders education.

Definition of Digital Media

In this policy, "digital media" refers to television, movies, computers, and other video and audio devices, including mobile phones, PDAs, video games, and music/MP3 players. As media technology and its applications evolve, the content of this definition may change.

Regulations on Mobile Phone Usage at School

The use of mobile phones by students on the school campus is prohibited from 8 AM to dismissal time, during school activities, and on school-sponsored trips unless permitted by a teacher. All mobile phones must be turned off during class hours. After class hours on campus, mobile phones can only be used for calls, and the use of the internet, cameras, games, and music functions is forbidden. Furthermore, the use of mobile phones inside school buildings is strictly prohibited.
